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1. Believe

2. Speak

3. Pray

4. Learn

5. Apply


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Faith is a powerful force and it can turn any situation around. Learn what faith is and how to use it TODAY!

1. Believe

Without faith, pleasing Him is impossible.

Stand for the victory you need by feeding your spirit with faith-filled scriptures. As your faith gets stronger, you’ll find the answers you need right at your fingertips.

2. Speak

Faith comes by hearing.

Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. As you listen to God’s Word coming out of your own mouth, your faith will get a great boost!

3. Pray

Stand in prayer and in faith, knowing God hears every word.

Pray God’s promises concerning your faith with these Bible-based prayers. When you pray according to His Word—His will—you know He hears, and answers every time.

4. Learn

Feed your mind, feed your spirit!

Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your faith by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Your faith doesn’t have to waver today…or ever!

5. Apply

Let faith fill every part of your life!

When you saturate your life with God's Word, you'll take your faith to the next level! Your success as a Christian lies in your willingness and ability to use your faith to apply God's Word in your life. When you do, your faith will change everything!



Without faith, pleasing Him is impossible.

Stand for the victory you need by feeding your spirit with faith-filled scriptures. As your faith gets stronger, you’ll find the answers you need right at your fingertips.

10 Scriptures To Build Your Faith for Your Vision

18 Powerful Scriptures About Hearing From God

A Scriptural Foundation for Faith

Your faith-filled words are important! Make sure you are speaking only those things you want to see come to pass.


Faith Scriptures

These scriptures will build your faith and give you a strong foundation in understanding all that God has provided you by faith.



Faith comes by hearing.

Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. As you listen to God’s Word coming out of your own mouth, your faith will get a great boost!

A Confession for Following God’s Plan for Your Life

God has a plan for your life and it's a great one! Hear His voice and do what He says and you'll be on your

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Faith Confessions

Faith is powerful, and so are the words you speak. Use the force of faith, combined with the power of your words to speak to


My Faith Works! Confession

When you hear, study, believe and confess God's Word, your faith continues to grow.


Move Those Mountains in Your Life!

Jesus said your well developed faith will be powerful enough to move mountains - every obstacle - in your life!


Your Faith Can Make Things Happen

Your faith will bring to pass the things you are believing for in your life.



Stand in prayer and in faith, knowing God hears every word.

Pray God’s promises concerning your faith with these Bible-based prayers. When you pray according to His Word—His will—you know He hears, and answers every time.

A Prayer for Activating Your Faith

Don't give the enemy any entrance into your life. Your faith is activated by love!

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A Prayer for Living by Faith

Our faith is connected to the blessings God has for us: That includes salvation, healing and prosperity. Pray this prayer as you learn to live

A Faith-based Prayer for Your Giving

Pray according to God's Word when you give, and receive the promised harvest on your seed sown.

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Prayer of Faith for Others

Your prayers can be effective in interceding for your family and friends. Use this prayer to help you.

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Feed your mind, feed your spirit!

Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your faith by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Your faith doesn’t have to waver today…or ever!

Build Your Faith With These Healing Scriptures

Jesus Died on the Cross for My Healing—What Does That Mean?

Understanding the truth of God’s Word concerning your healing will destroy Satan’s grip on your life.

Faith and Patience: A Powerful Team

Faith and patience are a powerful team when it comes to resisting attacks from the enemy.

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Four Steps That Ensure Victory

God intends for you to be victorious in life! It doesn’t matter what you are going through, the victory is available in Christ Jesus.

How Do I Know If My Faith Is Working?

What you receive depends on your faith, and faith is not passive. Faith is a receiver, an appropriator, a taker. It reaches out and takes


Do We All Have the Same Amount of Faith?

God has dealt to every man THE measure of faith. The measure you were given when you received Jesus as Lord was enough to cause


Do I Already Have Faith?

As a born-again believer, you have residing within your spirit the faith of God. Your faith has the potential to produce the same results that


What Is Faith?

When we made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives the faith of Almighty God came to live within us. As believers, we grow faith!

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Let faith fill every part of your life!

When you saturate your life with God's Word, you'll take your faith to the next level! Your success as a Christian lies in your willingness and ability to use your faith to apply God's Word in your life. When you do, your faith will change everything!

Practicing the Six I’s of Faith This Christmas

How to Apply Faith and Reap Results

You have to apply the force of faith in order to reap the benefits of it!


5 Ways Faith Will Change Your Life

God is calling people from all denominations to live a life of power. He is revealing how to live victoriously—day in and day out, in

Live Out Your Faith in Front of Your Unsaved Family

You can live out your faith in front of your unsaved family members with power and truth today!

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How to Stand Against the Devil

It’s time for all Christians to stand against the devil and all his mischief, and take their rightful place.

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How to Find Peace in the Midst of War

We have to deal with the dangers around us. Whether it feels good or not. Whether it looks pretty or not. We have a part

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5 Steps to De-Stress Your Life

Don’t let stress keep you from having an abundant life. Implement these five steps and get your life moving in the right direction!

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