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Real Help Tag: Success

Scriptural Evidence that God’s Love = Success

Love plays a big part in your success! We are called to love God and love one another.

A Confession to Make the Most of Your Life

Whether you live long and strong or short and weak is up to you. So decide to make the most of life! Begin meditating on

Four Steps That Ensure Victory

God intends for you to be victorious in life! It doesn’t matter what you are going through, the victory is available in Christ Jesus.

A Confession for Following God’s Plan for Your Life

God has a plan for your life and it's a great one! Hear His voice and do what He says and you'll be on your

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A Prayer for Discovering God’s Plan

God has a plan for your life. Pray along these lines and you will discover the plan!

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We are called to minister together.

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