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Not sure what the future holds? God knows! Take a look at these scriptures when you need assurance that He's in control.
Topics: Adversity, Anxiety, Finances, Life & Work
Many people are looking for the keys to real happiness. You can learn to live more and more from the inside out as a citizen
Topics: Life & Work, Hope, Loving God
Godly honor is the kind of honor that keeps its word and standard of integrity no matter what. It's the kind that will make you
Topics: Strength, Success, Opportunities, Life & Work
Are you ready to enjoy your life more? Are you tired of living the same old way? Use these tips to make life new every
Topics: Life & Work, Thankfulness, Fulfillment
Galatians 3:13-14, a scripture familiar to many believers, has a special bearing on how we are to raise our children...
Topics: Christian Walk, Protection, Children, Servanthood, Life & Work
God, in His great love for you, has provided deliverance for every area of your lifespirit, soul and body.
Topics: Hope, Life & Work, Protection, Sin
When trouble arises, the most natural thing to do is to place the blame for it on someone or something. Sadly, many Christians have been
Topics: Anxiety, Life & Work, Fear, Spiritual Growth, Stress, Sin
Gods success formula begins with keeping His Word in your mouth.
Topics: Beliefs, Strength, Success, Life & Work
After the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden, when Adam committed high treason against his Creator, God did not just leave him to
Topics: Life & Work, Sin, Salvation
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