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Real Help Tag: Healing

Jesus Died on the Cross for My Healing—What Does That Mean?

Understanding the truth of God’s Word concerning your healing will destroy Satan’s grip on your life.

A Prayer for Health and Healing

Because God's words are life to us and health to all our flesh, this prayer has been filled with the Word—and what God has to

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Scriptures to Help You Stand Strong Against the Flu

If you are determined to stand strong against the flu, or you are currently feeling the symptoms of the flu, here are 10 scriptures to

A Prayer to Receive Your Healing

Start using this prayer as you stand for your healing and continued health each and every day.

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I Have Prayed for My Healing. Why Is It Taking So Long?

As you put God’s prescription for health to work in your life—putting the Word in your heart, speaking it out of your mouth and receiving

Stepping Into Supernatural Weight Loss

This is the time of year when many people are making New Year’s resolutions. And no doubt, a number of those resolutions center around losing

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