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1. Believe

2. Speak

3. Pray

4. Learn

5. Apply


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You can receive your healing and live the healthy life God has always planned for you.

Click the tabs above or links below to supercharge your faith with scriptures, confessions, prayers, teachings and much more…

Exercise your faith TODAY!

1. Believe

Believe…and receive!

It’s God’s will for you to be healed, whole and complete. God wants you well!

2. Speak

Speak the Word every day.

Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. God’s Word, taken daily like medicine, is health to your spirit, soul and body!

3. Pray

Great change starts with prayer.

There’s no better medicine than God’s promises for every part of your being. Pray God’s promises concerning your healing with these Bible-based prayers—and don’t let go!

4. Learn

Learn…and watch your faith soar!

Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your healing by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland about God’s will for you.

5. Apply

Put the Word to work for your healing!

Put the Word to work in your spirit, soul and body--and allow God's Word to work in you like medicine.



Believe…and receive!

It’s God’s will for you to be healed, whole and complete. God wants you well!

Scriptures to Help You Stand Strong Against the Flu

If you are determined to stand strong against the flu, or you are currently feeling the symptoms of the flu, here are 10 scriptures to

Believe and Receive Your Healing!

Believe your spiritual eyes--not your natural eyes. Speak to the mountain you're facing with the Word.

50 Faith-Building Healing Scriptures

The Bible is FULL of God's promises on healing. Use these scriptures as a starting place for your study!


Speak the Word every day.

Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. God’s Word, taken daily like medicine, is health to your spirit, soul and body!

A Confession and Prayer for Your Healing

The power of sickness has been broken over your life. Say it aloud today!

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Live in Divine Health When You Say What the Word Says

It's God's will for you to live in divine health. Speak these scriptures affirming that Truth now.

A Daily Dose of Healing Scriptures to Confess

Take the Word like medicine and confess each of these promises directly from the Word.


Speak God’s Will for Your Healing

What's God's will for you? Divine health! Let His Word bring life to your body as you speak this confession.

Speak God’s Truth for Your Total Healing

When you feel weak, the power of Christ is there to make you strong! Speak this confession of healing and know He has healed ALL

A Confession for Healing and Wellness

You're no longer under the curse of the Law. Release your faith for healing today.



Great change starts with prayer.

There’s no better medicine than God’s promises for every part of your being. Pray God’s promises concerning your healing with these Bible-based prayers—and don’t let go!

A Prayer for Health and Healing

Because God's words are life to us and health to all our flesh, this prayer has been filled with the Word—and what God has to

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A Prayer to Receive Your Healing

Start using this prayer as you stand for your healing and continued health each and every day.

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A Healing Prayer for Loved Ones

Release your faith and speak healing and life to someone you love.

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Learn…and watch your faith soar!

Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your healing by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland about God’s will for you.

Stepping Into Supernatural Weight Loss

This is the time of year when many people are making New Year’s resolutions. And no doubt, a number of those resolutions center around losing

Does God Want Me Healed?

God does not play favorites. It is His will and desire for you to be healed. Period. See scriptural proof.

I Have Prayed for My Healing. Why Is It Taking So Long?

As you put God’s prescription for health to work in your life—putting the Word in your heart, speaking it out of your mouth and receiving

Does God Put Sickness on People to “Teach” Them Something?

Because of traditions of men, we have tried to tell the world that the God we serve has made us sick. But you have to

How Do the Words I Speak Affect My Healing?

The words spoken from your mouth, whether good or evil, a blessing or a curse, will manifest themselves in your life. See how.

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Put the Word to work for your healing!

Put the Word to work in your spirit, soul and body--and allow God's Word to work in you like medicine.

What to Do When a New Christian Needs Healing

If you are a new Christian, you don’t have to wait until you know God’s Word frontward and backward in order to receive your healing.

Tired of Waiting for Your Healing?

Years ago, a man who’d been struggling with sickness made an absolutely classic statement to Brother Copeland: “I know God heals,” he said, “I just

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Do You Really Need Anti-Anxiety Medication?

Xanax, Lexapro, Ativan, Cymbalta, Valium. Prescription anti-anxiety medications. If you are currently taking one of these medications or are considering taking one, then let this