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A Healing Prayer for Your Friends

12 Sep 2015

As the Body of Christ we share in each others’ lives, and follow the example of our Lord Jesus, as we pray for each other. Thank You, Father, that You are the author of every good thing, including the compassion we share as friends. Thank You for proving Your love and power through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, who took sickness and disease on Himself for us. According to Your Word in Matthew 18:18-19, Isaiah 53:4-5 and 1 Peter 2:24, we stand in agreement as we lay hands on ______________. We rebuke sickness and disease off his/her body and declare he/she is made whole, spirit, soul and body, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Scripture References: James 5:16, Luke 5:18-20, 25

We are called to minister together.

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