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Need help? The Bible has your answer, choose a topic below.
The Bible has your answer, choose a topic below.

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1. Believe
2. Speak
3. Pray
4. Learn
5. Apply
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Whatever your need, God’s Word is the answer.
Click the tabs above or links below to find the real help you need to stand for your financial breakthrough with scriptures, confessions, prayers, teachings and much more…

1. Believe
Recurrent Faith Training
Read and meditate on these scriptures, believing God’s promises regarding your finances and prosperity. Remember: He wants you to prosper in every area of your life!
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2. Speak
Speak the Word in prayer!
Use the power of your words, combined with what God has written in His Word. Change your circumstances and get the results you’re seeking through prayer, right now!
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3. Pray
Your prayers make a difference.
God’s will is to prosper His people—He will never leave you or forsake you! Use these scripture-based prayers to stand for your victory.
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4. Learn
Learn and grow as you dig deeper into God’s Word.
Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your finances by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland about your prosperity—spirit, soul and body.
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5. Apply
See how to easily apply God’s Word to your situation—today.
When you put God’s Word into practice, everything changes! In this section, you’ll find real-life tools and applications that will help with your financial breakthrough.
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God delights in your prosperity!
Read and meditate on these scriptures, believing God’s promises regarding your finances and prosperity. Remember: He wants you to prosper in every area of your life!

God Delights in the Prosperity of His Children!
If you are struggling to accept Gods provision, or if you doubt that God wants you to prosper in every area of life, then check
Topics: Debt, provision, Prosperity, Finances

Scriptures for Dealing With Uncertainty
Not sure what the future holds? God knows! Take a look at these scriptures when you need assurance that He's in control.
Topics: Adversity, Anxiety, Finances, Life & Work

Scriptures for Starting a Business
The business God has given you will have a strong foundation based on these scriptures!
Topics: Finances, Success, Opportunities

Scriptures for Employment
As you are entering the job market, use these scriptures to make the connection to the job just for you!
Topics: Finances, Success, Purpose, Opportunities
Did you know that the words you say can affect your situation?
Use the power of your words to turn your financial situation around for good. Use the confessions below for some powerful scriptures you can speak aloud.
Your breakthrough is closer than you think.
God’s will is to prosper His people—He will never leave you or forsake you! Use these scripture-based prayers to stand for your victory.
Learn and grow as you dig deeper into God’s Word.
Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your finances by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland about your prosperity—spirit, soul and body.

Does God Want Me to Prosper?
Yes! As Christians, we seem to have missed the fact that Jesus came to bring this gospel to free us completelyand that includes our financial
Topics: Finances, God's Promises

What Is the Law of Giving and Receiving?
God is a giver. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, according to the power that works in
Topics: God's Promises, Finances

See how to easily apply God’s Word to your situation—today.
When you put God’s Word into practice, everything changes! In this section, you’ll find real-life tools and applications that will help with your financial breakthrough.

Where Is God When You Need Money Quickly?
Take a look at three ways you can change the way you approach your money.
Topics: Anxiety, Finances, God's Promises

How Do I Attack My Credit-Card Debt?
Here are four strategies for living the debt-free life, and no matter where you are on your journey, you can live by them and experience
Topics: Anxiety, Finances, Opportunities

How to Get Out of Trouble
Here are eight steps to follow to get out of trouble, as outlined in Psalm 34.
Topics: Protection, Confidence, Finances

VIDEO: Top 10 Debt-Freedom Strategies
Join Pastor George Pearsons and John Copeland for the top 10 proven, practical strategies you can use to receive freedom from debt!
Topics: Finances, Life & Work, Faith, God's Promises, Debt

18 Bible Verses That Can Change Your Finances
Here are 18 Bible verses that can change your finances. As you read, memorize and think about them, let them change the way you handle
Topics: Finances, Faith, God's Promises