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Real Help Tag: Stress

A Prayer for Those Involved in Court Cases

If you are in the middle of a court case, God cares. He wants you to have faith in Him for direction through every situation

5 Scriptures to Stand on when Family Visits

Family visits can be stressful! As you get ready for an upcoming visit, take time to prepare your heart and mind by focusing on God’s

A Prayer for Protection

Throughout the Bible we are constantly reminded to “fear not.” It is not God’s will that we live in anxiety or fear, ever. Remember, He

4 Tips for Keeping Your Cool when Family Visits

Your family is planning a visit? As much as you love them, sometimes the stress can feel like a little much. How can you keep

A Prayer for Employment

Our heavenly Father is very interested in you and desires the very best for you. Be aware that God is not limited to meet your

We are called to minister together.

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