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Real Help Tag: Finances

A Prayer for Employment

Our heavenly Father is very interested in you and desires the very best for you. Be aware that God is not limited to meet your

God Delights in the Prosperity of His Children!

If you are struggling to accept God’s provision, or if you doubt that God wants you to prosper in every area of life, then check

6 Scriptures to Help You Trust Jesus With Your Finances

The idea of trusting Jesus with your finances may be a new one. If so, the Word is the first stop in finding out what

Prayers for Financial Breakthrough

This Bible-based prayer is an excellent place to start for believing for your financial breakthrough.

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God Delights in Your Prosperity!

Did you know God wants you to be prosperous? Here are some of God's promises regarding prosperity for His people!

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Your Financial Breakthrough Confession and Prayer

Ready for your financial breakthrough? Pray this scripture-based prayer to settle it once and for all!


Scriptures on Giving

Take your giving to the next level when you read these scriptures, print them out and put them into practice!


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