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What to Pray Over Your Tithe

12 Sep 2015

“Father, I thank You and praise You for translating me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom that You have prepared for me. Thank You that it is a kingdom of mercy, a kingdom of joy, a kingdom of peace and a kingdom of abundance.

“I bring my tithe now to You, Lord Jesus. It is the firstfruits of what You have given me, and I plant it in Your kingdom as a seed of blessing, expecting the rich blessings of heaven to be multiplied to me in return.

“I thank You, Lord, that You’ve rebuked Satan for my sake, and I stand in agreement with Your Word that he’ll not destroy my land. He’ll not destroy my blessings, and he’ll not destroy my crop in the field. I am a citizen of Your kingdom. I have the rights and privileges of a citizen of that kingdom, and I stand upon them. Thank You, Jesus, that heaven’s unlimited resources are mine in Your Name! Amen.”


Scripture References: Deuteronomy 28; Colossians 1:13; Luke 6:38

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