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Speak God’s Will for Your Healing

12 Sep 2015

I know it is God’s will for me to live in divine health. God’s Word brings life to my body and health to my flesh—therefore I abide in it. I know that sickness and disease do not come from God, and they are not part of His plan for my life. The devil is the one who steals, kills and destroys. God’s plan for me is abundant life! He is good and I praise His Name!

Jesus healed out of a heart of compassion, and when He died for me He redeemed me from the curse of sickness and disease. He conquered the devil in his own domain and took back all the authority and has given it back to those who believe. I exercise that authority when I speak the Name of Jesus by faith!

Scripture References: Proverbs 4:20-23, John 6:63, John 10:10, Psalm 136:1, Matthew 15:30-31, Mark 1:41, Acts 10:38, Galatians 3:13, Colossians 2:15, John 14:12-14

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