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If you dont know that answer, you wont be able to experience the fullness of your salvation. In this article, we'll clarify the truth of
Topics: New Believer, Salvation
Do you know where you stand with God? If you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life, then you are separated from God
Topics: New Believer, Salvation
When you received Christ you became a new creature. Speak this confession and stand firm in who you've become!
Topics: New Believer, Salvation, Godly Citizenship
Faith is a powerful force. Start receiving by faith and watch God move on your behalf!
Topics: Faith, Christian Walk, New Believer
When we made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives the faith of Almighty God came to live within us. As believers, we grow faith!
Topics: Faith, New Believer
The Lord has the gift of the Holy Spirit ready for you. Pray this prayer to receive Him into your life today.
Topics: Prayer, Holy Spirit, New Believer
If you are a new Christian, you dont have to wait until you know Gods Word frontward and backward in order to receive your healing.
Topics: Love, Healing, New Believer
If you do not know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord!
Topics: Prayer, Holy Spirit, New Believer, Salvation
Topics: Bible, Choices, New Believer, Quiet Time, Success, Faith, Spiritual Growth, Fulfillment
Prayer is not an emotional release or an escape route. It is much more than just asking God for a favor. And it is most
Topics: Prayer, New Believer
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