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Live Out Your Faith in Front of Your Unsaved Family

12 Sep 2015

by Kenneth Copeland

It happens all the time. People get born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. Then they go back to living what the world might call a “normal” life. They have no idea of the magnitude of what’s happened to them. They have no idea how to live out their faith in front of their unsaved family and friends.

About all they know is they are saved and speaking in tongues, and they now qualify as Pentecostals or Charismatics. They want to make a difference but they have no clue where to start. If that’s you, there’s good news. You can live out your faith in front of your unsaved family members with power and truth today!


Live Out Your Faith in Front of Your Unsaved Family by Becoming More God Inside-Minded

No matter how long you’ve walked with The LORD, you can still become even more God inside minded! All of us need to develop our awareness of the fact that God is living in us all the time. Instead of being sin-conscious, we ought to be making much of our righteousness in Him. We should be continually reminding ourselves, I’ve been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. In God’s eyes, I’m right with Him. I walk in His rightness. I can fellowship with Him all day long, all the time.


Live Out Your Faith in Front of Your Unsaved Family by Repenting When You Sin

“But Brother Copeland, what if I miss it and sin?”

Then repent. God has already provided forgiveness for you. Just receive it, spit the sin out of your life and keep growing in your life of faith.


Live Out Your Faith in Front of Your Unsaved Family by Reading With New Eyes

While you’re at it, try reading the Bible with a new perspective. Rather than searching it all the time for what Jesus can do for you, start focusing on what He can do through you, especially for your unsaved family members. Put yourself in Jesus’ place when you read Gospel accounts like the one about the sick woman who got healed by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment. Begin to realize the same power that flowed from Him will flow out of you if you’ll esteem that power with great honor and expect it to manifest.


God has done a supernatural work in your life, so even if your family doesn’t understand your decision to follow Jesus, you can start living out your faith in a powerful way. Your example may be the catalyst God uses to draw them to Him. So don’t let their views keep you from walking in God’s truth and power. Determine to live out your faith loudly, fully and with complete abandon for Him!

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