The Earth Is Filled With the Glory!’

“Come up here. Come up to a higher place,” saith The LORD, the God of Heaven and earth. “Come up here with Me. I’ll show you things you know not of. I will reveal not only Myself to you; I will reveal yourself to you. I will reveal to you the way I see you, […]

A Time of Great Outpouring

“More and more, faster and faster, in more clarity and detail, the anointing will cause revelation to flow and mysteries in Christ to come clear as never before in these days in which you live. For these are the times when the mysteries shall be unveiled and you’ll say, ‘My, my isn’t that simple, isn’t […]

The Glory Is Rising!

“There is a Tsunami of His glory in the making right now. There are born-again men and women around this world who will never, ever experience the glory of God coming up out of them. Because even though it is in there, it has been choked and it has been put down—by fear mostly. And […]

It’s Time for the Glory!

“2006. What about 2006? Ah,” saith The LORD, “there’s never been a year like. It is The Year of the Glory—manifestations of My glory that have never been seen by human eyes before on this planet. And they will begin now. And have been growing, and growing and growing. But 2006. What about 2006? It […]

All Will Be Well

“Don’t take up all your time with natural things. Some of those things are legitimate and it’s all right to take a certain period of time there, but see to it that you give heed­­-watch, listen to, pay attention ­­unto your spirit. And you give your spirit opportunity to feed upon the Word of God, […]