Ambassadors for the Glory of God

“Choose your thoughts very carefully that I’ve given you through your LORD and Savior Jesus and by the gift of the Holy Spirit. I’ve given you My WORD and My authority to choose your thoughts—keep some, reject some, take authority over them all. Don’t you remember in My WORD when I said, ‘Whatsoever things are […]

Pay Attention to Me”…. My System Is Stronger Than Ever’

“Don’t pay attention to or make any plans based on what the media says or what the politicians say. Stand on My WORD in John 16. Pay attention to Me. I [the Holy Spirit] will obey verses 13-15. I will show you things to come. I will lead you through troubled times. I already have […]

The Name of Jesus

Hallelujah. “Understand,” saith The LORD, “My Name is your name. I have given you My Name, not only the authority to use it, but heaven knows you by that Name. All of heaven recognizes that you are family; that you are spirit of My Spirit, one spirit with Me, bone of My bone, and flesh […]

‘Praise and Worship’

“Nothing, no thing in the world order can overcome praise and worship in My Name. For this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. The problem in the past has been an attempt at praise and worship with no faith. But when faith, which cometh by hearing, and hearing by The WORD […]

Increase Is Coming

“Heaven has released through the earth to you—every one of you—an increase in all areas. Increase beginning with the anointing to preach. Increase in the anointing for the gifts of the Spirit. Some of you, before the end of the year, will be ministering in areas of the gifts and the manifestations of the Holy […]

Rise Up and Take Your Place

“Rise up and take your place. Rise up and stand between Me and the forces of hell. I’ll back you, I’ll stand firm with you. I will supply. I will do everything that I said I would do. And if you’ll take that authority and have faith in My Name, you can do those things […]

‘These Are the Days’

“These are the days prophesied by prophets of old. These are the days that looked so far distant and way in the future by generations that have gone by. These are the days that I have longed for as your LORD and your Savior. These are the last days. These are the times of the […]

‘Go Boldly’

“There is a generation,” saith The LORD, “that’s being raised up and even has already come on the scene. A generation that believes The WORD; a generation that will exchange their thoughts for God’s thoughts; a generation that will believe who they are in Christ Jesus and who they are walking in the power and […]

‘Year of the Open Door’

“The year of 2007”…what will it be like? Will it be a year of disasters and catastrophes beyond imagination as some have predicted? Or will it be a continuance of the glory of heaven being manifest? “The year of 2007 will have some very serious catastrophes. There will be some things happening that the world […]

Keep My Commandments

Thank you, LORD. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. (tongues) “I gave you My WORD that if you would keep My commandments that I would love you and My Father would love you. And I said I would manifest Myself to you. I have come here this week to do that,” saith The LORD. I have come […]