“Rise up and take your place. Rise up and stand between Me and the forces of hell. I’ll back you, I’ll stand firm with you. I will supply. I will do everything that I said I would do. And if you’ll take that authority and have faith in My Name, you can do those things that are described in The WORD, those things that My servant tonight has delivered unto you.
“For this is your time and your hour. I will move in your behalf and the devil cannot afford to tell you ‘no’ because I have already said that he must obey you when you speak in My Name. So stand forth in strength, and authority and power. Take authority over the finances. Take authority over the sickness and over the disease. Take authority over those areas where in the past you have been afraid. Step up and be bold, and cast fear out and walk in the shadow of My love. And together we will see this come out right,” saith The LORD. “For I am giving you an appointment at this time to carry forth My Name and do those things that are pleasing in My sight,” saith The LORD. Hallelujah.