Watch for Me!
“The nation of Venezuela is very special in My eyes,” saith The LORD. “This nation was dedicated to Me many, many, many years ago. Most people have forgotten it. Many people today don’t even know about it. But I haven’t forgotten about it,” saith The LORD. “I have not forgotten, nor have I taken My […]
Let Me Have Time With You!
“I will increase it in your life. I’ll cause it to bring forth manifestations in your life. Just relax and enjoy it. You don’t have to work at My WORD all the time. Let My WORD work in you. Relax and enjoy it. Study it, yes. Read it, yes. Listen to it, yes. Talk about […]
‘Raise Up Your Faith!’
“There are things available to you right now in the realm of the spirit,” saith The LORD, “that are far beyond your ability to reason it out. So lay aside the reason. Raise up your faith; exercise your faith and gratitude toward Me and I’ll show you things that will take your mind a while […]
‘Take Command Over Time!’
“Spending that time with Me,” saith The LORD, “is vital not only to your future but your moment-to-moment life, day in and day out. You have relegated My miracle-working power and My work in your life far too much to the future. Faith is now! Yes, you had to learn how to take The WORD, […]
‘The Year of Victory over Death’
“Put your eyes where they need to be. Look at Me,” saith The LORD. “Put My WORDS where they need to be—in your heart and mind,” saith The LORD. “Demand that your mouth and your tongue of faith do its command duty to speak My WORD and commune with Me for I have great plans, […]
‘Come On Up Here’
“Don’t be so quick to declare what can’t happen because it’s impossible. Inquire of Me,” saith The LORD. “All things are possible with Me. I’ll tell you how. I’ll show you things that you never dreamed of before. I’m always searching to and fro for those to whom I can show Myself strong. I will […]
‘His Plan Is in Place!’
“The Spirit of The LORD has planned to take care of every situation in every life that has obeyed Him and come to this meeting. His plan is in place! Every miracle that it takes has been set aside for you. And for those of you who are attending by Internet, those of you who […]
‘Come On Out!’
“Oh, in the generations before you there have been moments of uplifting and moments when My people would rejoice and think My, oh how wonderful! And it was wonderful and it was filled with joy and filled with My presence, and many miraculous and wonderful things happened. But those days were like small children playing […]
‘Great Change Is Coming’
“It will come. You will see. You are the generation that will see the great manifestation of Me. Continue in unity. Continue to cry. The coming of the Lord is very nigh. And ‘ere He comes to take you away, you will see an awakening in your very own day. You are now where you […]
A New Way to Live
(Tongues) “For the time of transition has begun.” (tongues) “And the way you have done things in times past was good and was right for the time. But to do what is coming will require change. And there will require a different way of doing it, and a different way of speaking and believing, and […]