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‘Great Change Is Coming’

Billye Brim

18 Mar 2009

“It will come. You will see. You are the generation that will see the great manifestation of Me. Continue in unity. Continue to cry. The coming of the Lord is very nigh. And ‘ere He comes to take you away, you will see an awakening in your very own day. You are now where you should be now, but there is a further work to be done in you. Do not shirk to obey the Spirit’s leading. Do not shirk to obey. Keep proceeding. Pray every day. Pray without ceasing. Pray as you walk about. Pray as you sing and shout.

“I will touch your prayers and you will be more conscious of their doing good than you have been before. You will be more conscious even in your mind that the prayers are finding My ear in another realm and you will begin to walk there with Me individually. You will begin to talk there with Me individually.

“Great change is coming to My Body. It has to do with My presence in My Body. The glory of the Lord that is within you shall increase degree by degree, but it is increasing in relative response to Me. I am your source and you rely on Me. I could not allow you to think that a leader on earth was the answer. I could not allow you to think that men can give what none can give but Me.

“For the hour is late. Even on the horizon My kingdom comes. Even on the horizon you move into the next day and ‘ere you do I call My saints away.

“You must give attention only to Me and mention My Name oft that you might see the glory that is inherent there. Mention My Name oft in prayer, oft as you meet together to pray. And you will meet more and more. You will, in your places of gathering, when you walk in the door, sense such a degree of the presence of God that you’ll want to come oft to the place. But you shall also sense My presence when you are before My face alone at the throne.

“Great, great change has begun and will increase until faith turns to sight and you see the Son.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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