These Are My Times!
“My greatest moments,” saith The LORD, “My greatest manifestations, My grandest visitations and the demonstrations of My greatness and My power are always yet still ahead. “My greatest days are not behind Me,” saith God. “My greatest is always before Me. For I am ever and ever and ever and ever beyond what you can […]
2016 Prophetic Word
The Word of the Lord came to me and he said, “2016: The GREAT Year.” Well, I was waiting for “The GREAT Year of”…what?” He said, “It’s The GREAT Year for whatever you need it to be. “For you and for your Partners and your staff and for the church and everybody else,” He said, […]
Stand on My WORD!
“If you will take the things that I have shared with you; and if you will use My WORD; and if you will use the power that you received when you receive the Holy Ghost; and if you will stand on My WORD; all the spirits that have been dogging your track will flee in […]
This Nation Will Be Reborn
Meditate on these things. Make big of these things. Don’t talk about ISIS. Don’t talk about the things the devil is doing. Those are small things. Oh, they look terrible and all of that, but I’ve been dealing with him for centuries and he is a very, very small devil. I dealt with pharaohs of […]
Prophecy About the United States
“Stay with Me, saith the Lord, and together we will see the good, know the good, and enjoy the good. For the establishment of My desire and dream for the United States, and what I planned in this part of the world is just now coming to fruition. The revelation of My word and restoration […]
‘Side by Side!’
“I said in My WORD there is coming a time and the time is now when the sower and the reaper shall walk side by side.”
‘We Look Up!’
“You are as, My people and partakers of My grace and partakers of My life,” saith The LORD Jesus, “you are, as My people, deeply involved—a heavy, strong part of something that is far greater than your imaginations right now can conceive. And little by little I’m pulling back the veil and allowing you to […]
I’m Well Pleased!
“Oh. Oh. You are surprised that I would say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’? Where did you see in My WORD where you have to be in heaven for Me to say that to you? I’m very pleased with people who walk and live by faith. I’m pleased when people absolutely refuse to bow […]
‘What About 2012?’
“What about 2012? What does it hold? What’s in store? What’s in store for the nations? What’s in store for Israel and what’s in store for the Church? I have a great storehouse. Much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I laid up for you before […]
Relax, Rest and Rejoice!
“Have no fear of this world. I’ve overcome it,” saith The LORD. “I left nothing, absolutely nothing that faith won’t overcome. I left it no power. I left it no strength. It has nothing over you. So, you hear this about 2011. What will it be like? I’ll tell you exactly what it’ll be like,” […]