‘This Is My Time!’

The word of The LORD just came to me saying, “I planned, I marked and I spoke before the foundation of the world concerning this land, its purpose, this nation and its place before Me in these times in which you live. No man can take it from Me. No. No idea can remove it […]

Come Up Here With Me!

“I never did intend for sin and righteousness to mix. I built a wall between the land of Goshen and the land of darkness. I still have a wall built between the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death. I don’t want you having anything to […]

‘Everything is going to be ALL-Right!’

“The world is in serious trouble. But for the household of faith and those that will cling to My WORD and listen very carefully and do this thing that I have demonstrated before you tonight and night after night after night, you can do that. You can do it yourself. You can stand in your […]

Ambassadors for the Glory of God

“Choose your thoughts very carefully that I’ve given you through your LORD and Savior Jesus and by the gift of the Holy Spirit. I’ve given you My WORD and My authority to choose your thoughts—keep some, reject some, take authority over them all. Don’t you remember in My WORD when I said, ‘Whatsoever things are […]

A New Beginning

(Tongues) “Don’t you understand?” saith The LORD. “I’ll treat you like you’ve never sinned. I’ll treat you just like I treated Jesus. I’ll move in your life the way I moved in His. Lay hands on the sick in His Name and they’ll recover,” saith The LORD. “I’m in this for the haul. I’m in […]

We Are Victorious

(Tongues) “I need those that would walk out My WORD in the times of great pressure in the earth. Of course, great revelation will come during the millennium but that’s for the millennium’s time. The serious need is in the time of the “now” while principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness and wicked spirits […]

Taking Your Authority

For you see in the Garden of Eden when I called Adam to his work, I had already allocated to his life all that it would ever take for him to be enormously successful. And when I called you into your ministry, then I set aside, before I ever called you, more, much more, than […]