Thankful & Grateful

Hello KCM. I just want to say thank you very much for standing with me in prayer. I want to praise the Lord for the great things He has done for me. I passed my A levels Cambridge and also passed my SAT’s. I didn’t get exactly what I wanted, but I will still praise […]

God’s provision

My husband had decided to study full-time, and we have been trusting God to provide. He applied for student funding, and; because it was only his first year of his PhD studies, most people said it would require multiple tries before he would be successful based on their experiences. Praise God; he got it the […]

Testimony & Prayer request

Dear KCM, Just a little story from South Africa – this is years overdue: We went to work for a company (The INC Group) in the USA that contracted SAP services to companies. I was placed with a company in Chicago (Allegiance Health Care), where we stayed and worked from March 1998 till March 1999. […]

My Sight has been restored now i can see God

I so wish I got KCM teaching at an early stage. My job loss and financial situation have directed me to know my Creator. I have learned to forgive myself and others in order to be forgiven (Jesus loves me). I can clearly separate the Kingdom of darkness (Satan) and the Kingdom of light (God’s […]

Got a job

I was unemployed for more than 5 years and was forsaken by my family. Until I sent a prayer request and was blessed with a well-paying job; thanks to the Lord and your commitment, may the Lord bless you guys indeed.


A few years back, I struggled to get a professional job as I graduated with a University degree; I spent 7 years without a proper job, one day I just made a call to greet my Dad in the village, and he said my son, you can plant a seed to KCM ministry to get […]

Car blessing through prayer email

I wrote in my prayer request asking the KCM intercessors to stand with me in prayer to receive my driver’s licence and buy a new car. I want to thank God because both these things took happened within 2 weeks. To God be the glory.

Freed from a potential legal dispute

Praise the Lord; I have requested a prayer regarding a contractual dispute between myself and Virgin Active. In fact, Virgin breached a contract and expected me to pay despite the on their side. They even referred my name to debt collectors. Eventually, the truth came out. As a result, my name was withdrawn from debt […]

‘This Is the Time’!

“This is the time, even as I gave a sign this night, that I moved you to this place where there was rain and there was lighting and there was thunder, to mark a season that I declared in My WORD that is marking the ministers who stand here at this time, where I will […]

Beautiful Apartment Received

I asked for prayer for my wife and me to get a place to rent in Durban with no electricity or water problems at an affordable rent price in a crime-free area from a good landlord so that we can move in at the end of June 2016. We found a beautiful one-bedroom flat on […]