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Testimony & Prayer request

Testimony & Prayer request

22 Dec 2022

Dear KCM,

Just a little story from South Africa – this is years overdue:
We went to work for a company (The INC Group) in the USA that contracted SAP services to companies. I was placed with a company in Chicago (Allegiance Health Care), where we stayed and worked from March 1998 till March 1999. During this time, we came across KCM on television and started to watch the broadcasts. My wife became a partner, and we started receiving your monthly magazine end enjoyed it very much. We also started giving and tithing to KCM, CDM and James Robison’s ministries (we are tithers to this date and partners in the RSA office). We then relocated to Raleigh, NC, to the INC Group Head Quarters. Here we worked and stayed until August 1999.

We were very blessed to be able to attend the SWBC in Fort Worth in August 1999. I became a partner during the SWBC 1999 and gave my life to the LORD on 6th August 1999. On that very day, I lost my job with the company – The INC Group that contracted my services (I was employed with them for 18 months. The company was in a takeover bid and had to let all the South African employees go).

During SWBC, I learned that nothing is impossible with GOD.
We were married in April 1986 and were not able to conceive. We were told all kinds of stories of why and we accepted it.

We returned to South Africa, and I started with daily confessions about Sarah and Abraham. We started digging in the word, and slowly things started changing. We were then blessed with a baby boy (our only) – on the 15th of June 2003 – after seventeen years of marriage – we have been married since 1986. We fought everyone and everything for a perfect birth with no complications, as we were in our 40s. This came true.

Although the labour market in South Africa is not easy, I was able to find contracting employment with a number of companies. However, I have been out of work since January 2014. I was working for the Company AngloGoldAshanti as part of an international SAP Software implementation. Due to lengthy labour strikes and unrest, the commodity prices taking a major loss, and the “Marikana” incident, the company was forced to seek a section 189 (Organisational change and Labour force reduction) intervention.

We were paid a severance package by the company, and I have been actively chasing SAP HCM positions but with no success up to now.
At this stage, our local church is supporting us on a monthly basis, but the bills (school, fuel, utilities) are building up, and I do not want to give up. One is just getting tired of waiting and hoping and not seeing the word and promises being fulfilled.

My family and I will be eternally great full to your ministry, your obedience to the WORD, your love towards your partners and the daily BVOV broadcast on GODTV. Without you guys, we would have been wiped out by now.

We are asking for prayer for the perfect job that the LORD wants for me, the cancellation of debt and the restoration of the past (Joy, Peace and Love) that was stolen.


Matthew 6 – THE LORD’s PRAYER
Mark 11:22-25 – HAVE FAITH IN GOD
Heb 10:35 – Confidence & Reward – Keep on

We thank you and pray for you

Neels, Minette &; Jean-Christiaan Le Roux
South Africa

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