4 Ways To Qualify for THE BLESSING

Did you know that THE BLESSING has been God’s intention for mankind all along? God’s been trying to bless us since the day He created us. He declared THE BLESSING over Adam and Eve when He said, “Be fruitful and multiply”(Genesis 1:28). In Hebrew, this scripture translates “to increase and have abundance in every way.” […]
The Gift That Lasts Forever: 6 Ways Jesus Is the Ultimate Gift to Mankind

Gift-giving is without a doubt a celebrated tradition during the holiday season and on special occasions throughout the year. Billions of dollars in gifts like books, art, clothing, toys, gadgets, cookware and jewellery are exchanged around the globe. But like any earthly possession, these gifts don’t last. By the next holiday, the clothes are worn, […]
Is God Really Your Source?

Use This 6-Point Checklist to Find Out If You’re Relying on God to Meet All Your Needs READING TIME: 7 Minutes Years ago, the Lord gave a powerful word to Kenneth Copeland that has changed his life and the lives of KCM Partners around the world: Don’t look to the government for your supply. Don’t look to […]
How to Stand for Your Covenant Rights

You may not know it, but we’re at war. We’re in a spiritual battle—and we’re winning. But just like Israel had to rise up physically to take the land of Canaan, you and I have to rise up in the spirit if we’re going to establish the dominion of God in the earth. Your being […]
How to Plead the Blood of Jesus

Have you ever wondered what it means to plead the blood of Jesus? You can learn to take the power of the blood and apply it to any situation! Here’s how. The attacks of the enemy can often seem relentless. He comes to attack our money, our homes, our children, our health and even our […]
You are a Joint Heir with Jesus Christ
When you accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you joined God’s family. You became one of His children, and you received the same rights and privileges that Jesus has. Romans 8:17, NKJV, refers to you as a “joint heir” with Jesus. What a powerful description! You are no longer a sinner saved by grace; you are […]
Releasing Covenant Power in Your Life

A hand grenade contains explosive power that, when released, becomes an effective and powerful offensive and defensive weapon of war. But consider this: Which soldier has a better result? The one who holds it in his hand or the one who pulls the pin and throws it, releasing the power into the atmosphere? A hand […]
3 Tithers’ Rights Every Christian Should Know

Do you know what your rights are as a tither? If you’re suffering any setbacks in life, you can put a stop to them! Learn about 3 tithers’ rights every Christian should know. God wants you blessed! There’s no question about it—God’s will is for His people to prosper and enjoy a life of “always […]