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11 Aug 2017


Written by Mbifanse Milton after the LORD delivered him and his family from all his enemies, especially the “strong man” in his family

I will bless the Lord at and for all times. He has been my Rock and Fortress; my times are in His hand. I thought of Heaven’s Seals and its Keeper, I tried to find out whom these could be kept with and the awesome qualities of such, yet I found none but the LORD my God. The Father alone keeps the Seals of Heaven’s Sacred Time, and Purpose’s Scroll and Jesus, my LORD, alone is worthy to break them because of the Great Victory He won for me on the Cross. My life has been and is a fulfilment of all God’s intentions and promises towards and concerning me. Therefore I pour out my heart to Him in thanksgiving. I will bring my gift to His Alter and stay in His Presence all my life.

I was in the very cords of death ? bound head, hands and feet ? I was being drawn to the grave at youth, there to be silenced forever by the silence therein. I reeled and struggled against my sins and the grip of the enemy but found no way.

Then I cried to the LORD, and He came to my aid. He broke the cords that bound me asunder, forgave my sins, washed me and held me in His arms of love. He paid me back a hundredfold out of the bounty of His great lovingkindness and tender mercies. He became the Horn of my Salvation, my Rock, my KING and my God. He established me firmly on Jesus Christ and filled my mouth with good things. He made me soar on the wings of the wind with the strength of a young eagle.

Then I said, “I will soar high, for the winds are right. My strength is renewed like an eagle’s.” Truly, there is no other god but my “God and none but my LORD can save me.

He was angry that the oppressor enjoyed the fruit of my labour. He was angry that the enemy subdued His child of Prophecy. He shook the mountains and tore the hills and caused darkness and gloom and confusion in the camp of my enemies. He came to my aid and utterly cleared the name of my enemies from the earth. He said, “Let their wives be widows and their children orphans. Let them be destroyed and utterly forgotten forever.” My God gave me the strength to conquer my enemies but told me to sit back and implore Him to perform all things for me. They that sought my life are killed and forgotten. I am established as firmly as a house built on solid rock and radian like a city on a hill at night. Many who do not know and have not known me to come and present gifts to me, thanking God for giving victory to His beloved. I watched how nations welcomed me, and their leaders saluted me with respect. For my God has honoured me, exalted me and given me glory.

Therefore I will praise the Lord! For when the cup of enemies was full, God crushed them as fine as dust, and now every blessing promised and prophesied is mine. I am filled with joy, and my mouth is filled with laughter. If ever I believe anything, I believe in Prophecy. I bless the God of Prophecy. O that you readers will lift your voices and thank God for the victory He gave His servant! Cause this Psalm, oh kings and queens alike, to be known by little children and aged, even to the generations to come!

I am firm in the hand of my God forever, and victory is mine.

Bless the LORD, oh, my soul!

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