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Prayer for Employment

Prayer for Employment

22 Dec 2015

Two years back, I asked the KCM team to pray for me to get a job, you even gave me scriptures to read and encouraged me that God is my source, He will take care of me whether I have a job or not. In February I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to go and volunteer at a youth development centre, I went and volunteered my services as a counsellor (I have a BA Degree in Psychology). 2 weeks ago they called me for an interview at the same centre for the post of helpdesk officer, I went and they hired me. I didn’t know what the job entailed, did not have experience and I was told I was hired because of my Psychology degree and they needed someone who will be able to deal and understand people. I thank God for giving me this job, I am still amazed at what He has done. I am really grateful and thank you for praying for me.

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