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03 May 2016

I have been having severe pain in my shoulder towards the end of last year. I prayed about it and got anointed people to pray with me, I confessed the Word, but nothing seemed to work. Instead, the pain became worse. I finally consulted our family Dr who admitted me and did tests. An X-ray showed a problem in my spine. More tests were done, and I was eventually referred to a neurologist. The pain was so bad at this stage that I lost my right hand’s complete use. I needed help to take a bath and dress and reached a point where I couldn’t do anything for myself. Then suddenly, on this particular day, I found myself searching a shelf where I keep my KCM stuff, and I was led to the partner letter of June 2015. In this letter, Brother Copeland spoke about the pain that didn’t go away. He said he went to Deuteronomy 30, which said, “life is a choice; choose life”. Brother Kenneth said he went to 1 Peter 2:24, and he put his finger on it and said, “I choose to believe this” That’s what I did, putting my finger in the WORD I screamed, “I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THIS. By His stripes I am healed!” And suddenly something that felt like a burning sensation rushed through my right side. A few hours later, my hand started moving. And now I am using my hand and giving GOD all the glory. The neurologist, who had transferred me to a neurosurgeon for a spine operation, did not believe it when I showed up for a follow up. I am completely healed, and Jesus is LORD. I thank God for Kenneth and Gloria for their teachings. If not for them, I would have undergone the operation, which may have paralysed me. May God continue to Bless them and use them to set the captive free. Hallelujah! I can’t stop Praising GOD.

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