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11 Jul 2022

Somebody blessed me with a gift package. Included inside was also a book by the late Tata Kenneth E Hagin called, ‘How you can be led by the Spirit of God.’ To me, it was not a mere book but an application tool. It has changed my life. Upside down. I have always been led by the Spirit but could not put it in words or be to explain it. Now I am able to explain the deep edge; I always feel to meditate on His word. It never measured me or disqualified me and never made me feel in a world of people with Phd’s, I could not study his Word. It explains how as an epileptic, in my teens, every minister of the word my family knew and sort of prayed for me. However, one day, I had an encounter. I heard something communicating with me. I had a conversation with them, but it wasn’t audible, and my body’s senses had no control of it. In it, he asked me, Brian? Do you believe that I have healed you? I said many pastors have prayed for me. I went to the altar call for healing, and people fell at the presence of the Spirit without being even touched. Only I stood still and never felt anything. He said to me, yes, I know, but do you believe I have healed you? I said I don’t understand, but something in me felt as though the logic of my mind didn’t want to accept or believe. I said Lord, I believe and if You do, I will serve you always when I get home. I told my mom I wasn’t going to take pills. She asked why, and I said coz the Lord healed me and to prove to myself I won’t. I never got sick. Today I am 42 and strong. Now I understand that my Spirit is led by the Holy Spirit and more. Thanks to the ministry and partners who give faithfully. I, for one, am a spiritual child of Tata and Mama Cop. The Lord used BVOV to teach me deep truths about who I was in Christ before I knew much. Now He the Holy Spirit teaches me, and I still receive and love BVOV.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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