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Faith is coming!

Faith is coming!

23 Jul 2022

I have been a partner of KCM for just a few years now, and I can say for sure that the messages and the daily devotionals from Bro Kenneth and Sr. Gloria Copeland have made my Christian walk very practical, meaningful and very beneficial to me, my family, colleagues, my congregation and beyond. The teaching messages have changed my thought pattern and the way I talk and have empowered me to put them to work by faith, and I see results in my finances, health, and preaching, among others. I am also witnessing increasing transference of grace and anointing as the Lord is increasingly manifesting in my lay ministry. I am really grateful to Ken and Gloria for availing themselves to bless me and thus making me a blessing. Indeed Jesus is Lord!

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

We are called to minister together.

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