When it comes to finances, you might find yourself overwhelmed by the “what ifs.” What if you lose your job? What if the economy crashes? What if you don’t have enough? These questions come naturally when you look to the world’s economy for security. Its instability and unpredictability can leave you anxious and confused, searching for answers in an ever-shifting system.
But this isn’t the first time the world has faced economic uncertainty, and it won’t be the last. The truth is, the current financial system has always been unstable. Its origins go back to Genesis 11 and the tower of Babel. That’s when humanity stopped asking, What has God said? and began trying to meet their needs without Him. They attempted to use God’s creative system—imagine it, believe it, and speak it—to build a tower to heaven. It might sound impossible, but had God not intervened, they would have succeeded. His creative method always works.
To halt their rebellion, God introduced confusion, or “babel,” by breaking their unity and limiting their ability to work together. That confusion marked the beginning of a financial system separate from God. Since then, people have been trying to create wealth and solve problems on their own, relying on unstable human strategies. Without God’s guidance, their imaginations often work against them—producing fear, doubt, and failure.
Breaking Free from Confusion
The same confusion persists today. People imagine failure, believe it, and speak it into existence. Leaders can’t agree on solutions, and economies collapse under their disagreements. But as a believer, you don’t have to participate in this system. You’re not subject to its chaos because you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). By aligning your thoughts with God’s Word, you can cast down every imagination that opposes His truth (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). You can break free from the limitations of this world’s system and step into God’s system—a place of peace, provision, and abundance.
During an economic downturn, Kenneth Copeland once received a word from the Lord: “Tell your Partners not to join in on the recession. It doesn’t belong to them.” That’s the approach you need to take. Refuse to let fear dictate your decisions. Stop focusing on bad news and start focusing on God’s promises. Proverbs 4:20-26 gives clear instructions: attend to God’s Word, incline your ear to His sayings, and let His truth guide your heart and actions.
This is what Kenneth and Gloria Copeland did when they committed to live debt-free. At the time, it seemed impossible. They didn’t know how they could meet their needs without borrowing money. But they trusted God and put His Word first, even when it didn’t make sense.
Living in God’s System
Living in God’s system—what Kenneth calls the “Eden system”—requires a conscious choice to trust Him. It begins with imagining, believing, and speaking according to His Word. When you do this, you align your thoughts and actions with His promises. It’s not always easy. Fear and doubt will try to creep in, especially when circumstances look bleak. But you have the power to reject those thoughts and choose God’s truth instead.
When Kenneth needed a tape recorder for his ministry, he refused to borrow money, even though it seemed like the only option. Instead, he prayed and trusted God to provide. Shortly after, a woman gave him the exact amount he needed, confirming that God’s provision is always timely. That moment was his first step out of the Babylonian system and into God’s Eden system. Since then, he’s seen that system work time and time again, bringing him to a place of financial blessing beyond anything he once imagined.
You can experience the same blessing. When you focus on God’s Word, speak His promises, and align your actions with His principles, you’ll see His provision in your life. The question is no longer, What if…?, but What has God said?
Faith Action: Step Into God’s System
This week, make a commitment to step out of fear and into faith. Choose one financial worry that’s been troubling you and apply God’s Word to it. Find a scripture that speaks to your situation—for example, Philippians 4:19, “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Speak it aloud daily. When negative thoughts arise, cast them down and declare what God has said.
Additionally, review your financial decisions and ask, “Am I following God’s principles, or am I relying on the world’s system?” If necessary, take a practical step of obedience. Whether it’s giving, saving, or trusting God in a specific area, align your actions with His Word.
By choosing to trust Him, you’ll step into the Eden system, where confusion fades, and God’s blessings flow freely. You’ll see firsthand that His Word always works, even in the midst of the world’s uncertainty.
As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 0860103356 or submit a prayer request. Any day of the year, we’re here for you!