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Jesus Died on the Cross for My Healing—What Does That Mean?

08 Mar 2024

When Jesus carried our sins, He also carried our diseases. The Cross pronounced a complete cure for the ills of mankind. The price has been paid for your healing. Sickness can no longer rule over you unless you allow it.

As you accept the fact that Jesus carried your sins, diseases, weaknesses and pains, your days of sickness will be over. Understanding the truth of God’s Word concerning your healing will destroy Satan’s grip on your life. The truth makes you free from his power when you realize your healing has already been purchased.

What did Jesus do with your sickness? According to the Word, He took it for you. It could not be God’s will for you to be sick with the sickness that Jesus suffered for you. Because God so loved the world, He orchestrated the substitution of His only Son to rescue man from the curse of Satan. Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.”

What you need to do is stand up and command sickness to go away, using the Name of Jesus. Give it no place in your body. There is no sin so great that Jesus’ sacrifice will not cancel it and wipe it away. The power of God cleanses and changes anyone who receives salvation until there is no trace of his past or his sins. Jesus paid the price for our redemption from all the curse of the law. All of it!

We are called to minister together.

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