God wants us to be honorable to one another. For us to dishonor one another affects everyone involved. In Romans 12:10 it says, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.” We shouldn’t love one another based on whether or not we are lovable. We should love each other because we are born of God.
God has honored us with His life, His Name and His Spirit. How can we do any less? God is the only One who has the right to judge. We do not. It doesn’t matter if we think the other person is right or wrong. It’s none of our business. Whose business is it? God’s.
It really makes no difference how we see one another’s conduct—whether we think it’s right or wrong. We need to deal with our own conduct, which is regulated by our relationship with God. James 3:16 says where strife is there is confusion and every evil work. Allowing strife to go unchecked or entering into it opens the door to every evil work. Harsh words and criticism are certainly not edifying and gracious. Ephesians 5:4 says, “No course, stupid, or flippant talk; these things are out of place; you should rather be thanking God.” You can’t speak harshly and thank God at the same time.
You can’t criticize those around you if you have a thankful attitude about them. When someone crosses you, instead of letting your mouth be filled with verbal abuse, fill it with praise to God. Ask the Lord to show you how to honor others and live honorably. As you develop and honor God in your life, it begins to work in your heart, in your career and in your relationships. You do your part and God does His part. When an unlovely person tries to provoke you into strife, remember: You are not provoked. Instead of retaliating, let love come out of your mouth.