When a person is prayed for, the healing may occur instantaneously, or it may happen over a long period of time. Often the healing has started, even though the physical evidence is slow in coming. In any case, the person should be speaking faith-filled words—the Lord’s Word and not his own. By standing on that Word and holding onto faith, the Lord’s Word is accomplished. It doesn’t matter that the physical change isn’t seen. That is not the determining factor. Rather, it is how much of His Word we know, and how we are applying it to our lives that counts.

It is important to remember that the reason someone else did not receive may be between God and them and none of your and my business.

How long should we speak those faith-filled words and believe that a healing is taking place? We speak those words until the healing is complete and the Lord’s Word is accomplished (1 Peter 2:24; Ephesians 6:13-17; Romans 4:17). Then those words should be spoken daily in order to stay well.