Brother Copeland would be the first to tell you the doctor is your best friend if you are sick and your healing has not yet fully shown up. It takes time for your faith to develop. For that reason, it is perfectly all right to pursue medical attention as well. In fact, to refuse to consult a doctor or perhaps stop taking medication (prescription or over-the-counter) before faith is fully developed for healing is potentially dangerous. That would be considered “presumptuous” faith.

God is not competing with doctors or medicine. Like any loving father, He will use any avenue available that you allow Him to work through to help you get well. Getting you well is His desire. Any good doctor will tell you he does not do the healing. He only assists your body to work the way it was created and designed to function by God. Pray and ask God to impart His wisdom to you and the doctor if you need to consult one.

At the same time, actively build your faith by studying and meditating on the healing scriptures found in the Bible. Allow them to renew your mind and build an inner image of yourself as healed. Faith does demand action, but your first action is putting the Word of God in your heart in abundance.

Your next action step is to confess the Word you have studied and verbally agree with what God says about your healing. This is not an optional step. Remember, the force of faith is released by words, and you can have whatever you say (Mark 11:22-23). Again, this is not a one-time confession, but a continuous declaration until it manifests in your body. Proverbs 18:20 says, “Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction” (New Living Translation).

Don’t take action which puts you or others at risk to prove your faith. For example, you should not take off your glasses and drive in traffic before your eyesight is restored. This would be “presumptuous” faith again. Instead, continue to meditate and confess the Word until you believe and receive the manifestation of healing in your body. According to Proverbs 4:22, God’s Word is life and health to all your flesh, and once you get enough of it, your body will be affected and be healed. Then you may discontinue taking your medication or whatever has been hindering your physical activities.