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Prophets Warn and Prepare the Way

17 Jul 2024

Make no mistake—prophetic words are not all edification and comfort—Old Testament prophets declared judgment just as modern-day prophets. The heart behind such warnings did not come from a heart of condemnation but from the love of the Father, who gave opportunity to those in jeopardy to repent, turn around, and change their ways. In Ezekiel 3:17, He said to His prophet, “I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me” (NKJV).

There was a reason that God constantly endeavoured to teach His people to obey Him: He wanted them to live in victory. So, all through the Bible, you’ll find Him talking to His people, sending them prophets as witnesses of Himself and revealing His good plan for them. God always did His best to cause Israel to hear what He was saying so they could obey and live free from bondage. 

The book of Jeremiah provides a clear and accurate picture of God’s history with His people. The Scripture says He continually sent prophets to tell His people what they should do for their good (Jeremiah 7:25, 35:15). Yet, again and again, the people refused to listen to what God said through those He sent.

God still warns through His prophets today. It can be a word of correction, judgment or warning to an individual, the Church or even a nation. No matter the recipient, when a word of warning comes through the prophet’s ministry, one thing is sure—we need to listen.

Prophets Prepare the Way 

The great prophet Isaiah announced things to come to prepare the people’s hearts, invoking them to open their spiritual eyes and expect a move of God. Isaiah 40:3, 5 says, “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God…. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” 

The voice of the prophet Isaiah was creating a highway for the coming of the Lord. And in John 1:14, we find that “the Word became flesh” (NKJV). The prophetic word was now a reality. This is an example of the fulfilment of prophecy after a long wait and an illustration of how we are to view prophecy in our personal lives. When you receive from the ministry of a prophet, whether it be a personal word for you or a declaration over the Church or your nation—don’t ever give up on a prophetic word—and don’t let the passage of time weaken your faith. 

Years before it took place, Brother Copeland spoke a prophetic word about the Berlin Wall coming down. At the time, people may have thought, Well, that wall has been around for a long time! There was no natural sign that it was even close to coming down. Yet, on Nov. 9, 1988, the wall came down. It was a prophetic word in action.  

That’s how prophets prepare the way. A prophetic word tears down and roots out. It changes and builds up. It can take a divided city and make it whole again. We participate by believing, receiving, interceding and taking action when necessary. 

The Lord will do nothing until He reveals things to His prophets. He will reveal to His servants the words that need to be declared, and those words will begin to produce a highway to the fulfilment of those words.


As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 0860103356 or submit a prayer request. Any day of the year, we’re here for you!

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