“A Time of My Presence!”

“Aha! ‘Will peace come?’ many are saying. ‘Will peace come in 2017? Shall the things of The LORD become stronger and grander, or shall they begin to wane closer to the end of the year?’ The greatest outflowing of peace from heaven in our time will begin, and become close to its full measure before […]

‘The Time Is at Hand!’

“Take no more thought. Do not allow your heart to be troubled. Yes. Judgment is here. This is a time of judgment,” saith The LORD. “But judgment comes in order to open the door to the outpouring of the glory. Judgment is a function of seedtime and harvest. For don’t be deceived. I will not […]

2016 Prophetic Word

The Word of the Lord came to me and he said, “2016: The GREAT Year.” Well, I was waiting for “The GREAT Year of”…what?” He said, “It’s The GREAT Year for whatever you need it to be. “For you and for your Partners and your staff and for the church and everybody else,” He said, […]

I Am Lifting You Up With Me

“This is the coming – this is the year of the open door and it’s a door opened to higher places in the realm of the kingdom. For I am lifting you up with Me. You will learn to see things through My eyes. You’ll walk with Me. I’ll walk with you. And disasters will […]

‘Right Where You’re Supposed to Be’

“There’s never been a generation before now,” saith The LORD, “that has the place of hearing and knowing My plans and walking in them that you, your generation, have been chosen to be in this time. Yes, it’s a dangerous time. Yes, it’s a strong time. Oh, yes, it’s a time of great need. It’s […]

The Healing of the Nation

Kenneth Copeland (Tongues) Tracy Harris—”Yes, for the man shall not change the office, but the office shall change the man. For the Glory of this nation shall rise and take a stand, for that which is written shall certainly be and shall come to pass on all humanity, from sea to shining sea. For it […]

Bless the Name of The LORD

“Bless The LORD, O my soul, and bless His holy name. Bless all of His kingdom and all that are in it. Bless those that rise up in the Name of The LORD and declare His righteousness before the nations; for they are the children of God and they are known as the peacemakers of […]

A New Breed of Believer’

“There is a mighty army in the land,” saith The LORD. “My army, My men and women. My armed family are rising up and taking their place in the authority of My kingdom, and the dominion that I released on Adam of old is now coming alive throughout the earth. And there are those that […]

‘I Will Show You Things to Come’

“If you will begin to practice My presence, you will develop an ear to My voice and we can communicate with one another. And I can bring peace and joy into your lifestyle and into your everyday living that is beyond anything you have any idea right now that has been available to you. And […]