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‘You Ought to be Ashamed!’

Kenneth Copeland

21 Oct 2016

“I’m going to correct you again,” saith The LORD. “How dare you spirit-filled, baptized, tongue-talking, adult pray-ers, be the least bit concerned about this nation! I’ve been in the political business since Nimrod. I’ve handled politicians who would swallow Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, at one gulp. I jerked the slack out of pharaohs, split seas, and caused the great miracles of the great times. And this is a greater time,” saith The LORD, “than all of those put together. Hallelujah! I’m running this business!

“The United States of America is the only nation in the history of this planet that was put together by a group of people for the express purpose of worshipping Me,” saith The LORD. “I will never forget it! I created the nation of Israel,” saith Jesus, “because I love them. The United States was created because they loved Me. You think I’m going to let some silly politicians put this thing under? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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