“The time of great victory has come. The time for overwhelming, outrageous outpourings of the Spirit of glory has come. It is time for it to be manifest. It’s time to be manifest in the government. It’s time to be manifest in the churches. It’s time to be manifest in the stock market. It’s time to be manifest in the business realm. It is time for this nation to be No. 1 in the world again, not because of its smartness, not because of its money, but because of its spiritual humility before God. Hallelujah.
“I have never given up on you,” saith The LORD. “I never have and I never will. But those that come around and say, ‘It’s time for a miracle to be cursed,’ you tell them to check with Me before they say that. I gave birth to this nation and until I’m done no curse can survive, because My people called by My Name have turned from their wicked ways and they have humbled themselves before Me and they have repented. I didn’t say the whole nation. I said My people that are called by My Name. I will hear from heaven. I will heal the land and I am doing it right now. And if you don’t believe it, you just stand by and watch,” saith The LORD of grace. Hallelujah.