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‘Watch Me Work!’

Kenneth Copeland

10 Oct 2011

“You wait and see what the next 14 months, 15 months, 16 months, 17months, 18 months bring to those who insist on living and walking by faith. You just watch and see,” saith The LORD. “You want to see what I can do in this earth? You want to see what I can do when the rest of the world is flat of its face, not to praise Me, but have their face pushed in the mud by the devil? You want to see what the power of the Resurrection is like? Then you begin to praise Me and you begin to worship Me every day and you put My WORD first place in your life and you get up every morning and shout, ‘Everything is going to be all right!’ You enter into My rest,” saith The LORD. “You enter into My way of doing things. You take your rest with Me and you put yourself, place yourself in the secret place of the Most High and watch Me work in your life. Watch Me work in the life of your children. Watch Me work in the life of your nation. Watch Me work in this world. You watch Me work for the next 18 months and you’ll be glad you came,” saith The LORD. “I’ll do this thing. I’ll do it. For you are the very center of My attention. In My eyes you are second to none. For you see, even in My own eyes you’re not second to Jesus. You’re joint heir with Him. I see you in Him, and I see Him in you. And our time has come and you just rest in Me and smile every morning and say, ‘God loves me and everything is going to be all right. God loves me and everything is going to be all right. God loves me and everything is going to be all right.’”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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