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This Is My Time, This Is Your Time!

Kenneth Copeland

15 Oct 2010

“Oh, the largest gospel army that has ever walked the face of this planet is alive and strong and listening to Me and hearing My voice at this very time, at this very moment. They are all over this earth. There are millions upon tens upon hundreds of millions of My people filled with the Holy Ghost, praying in the spirit, walking by faith, lifting up My Name and receiving orders from heaven and the march is on. The power has been released and the awakening is happening. So rise up, go up, think up, praise up and watch it fall down on you. For this is the time,” saith The LORD. “This is My time. It is your time and everything is going to be all right.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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