Yes, LORD. Thank You. I repent for that in the Name of Jesus. Thank You for forgiving me. Praise God. Praise the Name of The LORD Jesus.
“Give forth praise and honor and understand this,” saith The LORD. “It is not time for the United States to fail. It is not time for this nation to collapse financially. It is not time for this nation to fold up spiritually, and go the way the rest of the world has gone in the past, or the way the world is trying to drag her down in this (inaudible). No sir. No, ma’am. It is not that time. I’ll tell you what time it is,” saith The LORD. “It is time right now for this nation’s greatest hour, its greatest spiritual outpouring, its greatest financial blessing. It is time now because it’s My time,” saith The LORD Jesus Christ. “It is your time and together we’ll see it come to pass. You mark My words,” saith The LORD. Hallelujah!