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‘The Giants Are Coming’

Kenneth Copeland

17 May 2020

“The giants are coming! The giants are coming! The giants, the spiritual giants are coming forth,” saith The LORD. “The giants! The ones who have stood, declared and walked in faith; the ones who have fought the good fight of faith and won. Those who have taken the time to spend time in The WORD, and spend time in prayer, and spend time on their face, and spend time praising Me,” saith The LORD. “The spiritual giants are coming! Hallelujah! The ones who have been ridiculed and mocked; the ones the world has looked down on, and in a lot of cases spit on and called them some kind of mocking name.

“But when the world is mocking you, that’s good news! When the comics are making fun of you, that means somebody heard it. They had to have heard what you said. They had to have heard what I said. They had to have heard what Pastor George said in order to make fun of it. You can’t make fun of something you don’t know anything about.

“The giants are coming! The giants are rising up in this nation. The giants of God are rising up. They’re here! The giants are here!” saith The LORD. “They’re here! They’re coming forth! They are the faith people! They are the people who don’t care what the devil thinks. They’re the people who don’t care what the world thinks. They’re the people who don’t care what anybody thinks except Jesus. Hallelujah! The giants! The giants are here and a whole parking lot full of them this morning!”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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