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‘Take the Opportunity’!

Kenneth Copeland

13 Feb 2020

“Take the opportunity,” saith The LORD. “Instead of binding yourself and calling yourself what you do not want to be, take every opportunity to call yourself who you are and what you are in Me,” saith The LORD. “Learn to know that I am the Almighty God and the Almighty God has called you into His service. And understand this: You can’t change what I’ve called you. You can’t change it. You can alter it by calling yourself the wrong thing. You can foul it up by not really understanding to what you are called. So seek My face. Take the time. Abraham fell on his face before God. And from time to time, if you’ll fall on your face before Me, saith the El Shaddai, Almighty One, I’ll speak to you the same as I did to Abram. And I’ll change your name from defeat to victory,” saith The LORD.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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