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Strong Move of the Holy Spirit

Kenneth Copeland

24 Aug 2006

Thank you, Jesus. “There is a wave—strong current of the moving of the Holy Spirit.” Just say that to me again, LORD.
“Just below the surface of natural, physical manifestation that is moving. I mean it is swift, it’s moving like a mighty river and just sweeping throughout the earth. Sweeping people and of all kinds of cultures and backgrounds into the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of darkness doesn’t even know it’s happening. However, it is rising and rising and right now, right now it is at the point of bursting through into this natural realm. Into a move of the Holy Ghost that’s beyond anything the human eye has ever seen on this earth. And you and I are standing on it. We are standing right, we are standing right on top of it.” Hallelujah. Oh, Glory to God.
“And the more we praise, and the more we move and live, and function in faith and in the love of God; the more we put God’s WORD first place in our lives, and the more we unashamedly worship Him and bless Him, the closer this whole moving, flowing river is to the surface, praise God. And I’m telling you—it is breakthrough time. It is time for it to break out into the natural world, it is time for a overwhelming tsunami of the love of God.” Hallelujah. “It’s here, it is here.” Hallelujah, hallelujah. Let’s just praise and worship, praise and worship.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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