“There are many of you here today, that same Word applies to you. So rejoice. There is no private interpretation of My WORD. I’ll carry it out. I’ll do what I said. And if you will listen to Me, and let Me design your plan, and let Me call you into it; be patient with it,” saith The LORD. “Relax and rejoice, and enjoy our time together. Spend more time with Me and take some quiet time. Don’t spend all your time talking to Me. Let Me have some time to talk to you,” saith The LORD. “Spend more time in My WORD, not just reading but listen to the CDs. Watch the DVD. Go over it, and over it, and over it, and over it and when you get tired of it, go over it again. I’ll show you new things. I will speak to you out of the mouth of My prophets, out of the mouth of My pastors and teachers, out of the mouth of people around you that you don’t even know. I will see to it that you succeed,” saith The LORD. Hallelujah. Praise God.