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She Has Been Reborn!

Kenneth Copeland

23 Feb 2018

“Don’t be concerned and worried about all of the things that are happening in this nation right now. Oh, there’s been some horrible, terrible things that have taken place. Pray about them. Pray for people who have been hurt. But don’t worry about them. The devil is not taking over the United States. I’m in charge here,” saith Jesus. “This is the only nation in the history of this world that was formed by people who wanted to worship Me,” saith The LORD Jesus Christ, “and I will never forget it! And it won’t be done until I’m done with it,” saith The LORD. “And I’m nowhere near close to turning this nation loose. No! No! No! I am rising up in a way that you’ve never even seen before and I’m preparing things, and it is ready right now to be released. It is ready right now to be released! It is ready right now to be released.

Pray about your president. Pray about your vice president. Pray about all the members of Congress in tongues. I’ll take care of the rest. I’ll take care of the rest. Don’t try to figure it out. Take advantage of what I’ve given you,” saith the Holy Spirit. “Take advantage of what Jesus has provided for you. I’ll show you things you know not of, and you’ll be glad,” saith The LORD. “Many mighty and wonderful things will take place in this nation between now and the end of this year. Jan. 1, 2019, you’ll look back and you’ll say, ‘My, my, what a year!’ And you’ll glorify Me,” saith The LORD, “because by the end of this year you will not even recognize the United States because she has been reborn!”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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