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‘Seek My Ways!’

Kenneth Copeland

4 Apr 2019

“I’m speaking,” saith The LORD, “to my family. We have spiritual adults who have had their senses even trained and exercised to know the difference between good and evil according to Hebrews 5. Then we have the adolescents who are on their way to becoming strong adults spiritually. Then we have the babies; those who have just been born again, who need and desire the sincere milk of the word that they may grow thereby. Listen and understand this, family of God. The babies need your help. The adolescents need your help. As you help one another, then all grow in Me and grow up in Me. Seek My ways and My WORD. Seek to walk in the love of God and in the faith of God according to the Scriptures. As you do this, and as you grow and seek to become whole men and women, spirit and soul and body, strong spiritually, strong and stalwart mentally, with strong, healthy physical bodies, this is My calling to you in these last days; that you’d be strong for the rest of the family.

“Help the babies to grow. Teach them and train them. See to them that they receive the milk of The WORD and that they grow and they grow. This is not left up to the apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, pastor and teacher. No, this is the ministry of the Body of Christ. As you heed and listen to My teachers and those who I have raised up in this hour to make you strong spiritually, to make you strong mentally and emotionally, and to make you strong physically in your physical bodies, listen to them. Grow up into Me and to all things, and we will get this end time ministry done and we’ll get it done in record time. And great shall be the peace of the family of God,” saith The LORD.

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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