This prophecy was spoken to Kenneth Copeland.
Thus saith The LORD, “I am rallying and raising up support to you. It will far surpass all you have previously seen or known. I’m joining to you new Partners who are very strong financially, and they will obey Me. I’m prospering your long time Partners with supernatural increase and they will obey Me. Mark this day, Friday, Sept. 20, 2002. From this day there is a release to you, and to those who are joined to you, and all that you need and all that you desire will now come quickly—much easier than in times before. It will not be by greater labor on your part, but by a supernatural multiplication and a divine release from heaven through this earth to you. And you will do this thing I have commanded you, and you will not come short, and you will not fail, and all this ministry that I have placed under your hand will prosper and increase mightily. You will not lack. You will not want and you will not be diminished. Only rest in Me and rejoice in Me. Yes, rest, and see if I will not do this thing just as I have told you and you will see the goodness and the faithfulness of The LORD in the land of the living.”