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‘Not a Money Problem’!

Kenneth Copeland

2 Mar 2019

“These things have always been available but your enemy, the devil, has worked night and day to religiously cover these things and replace them with the idea that My will could never be that you walk free from sin, sickness, demons and fear. That you be free, and completely free from poverty. But the ideas that men have gathered up with religious thinking, and with mental attempts to answer spiritual problems such as money problems, poverty is not a money problem. Poverty is a problem with the curse. But you have been redeemed from the curse of the Law. So, rejoice and walk in it,” saith The LORD. “For your day and your hour has come, and things will work now far more abundantly than they ever have in the past.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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