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‘It’s About to Happen!’

Kenneth Copeland

3 Jan 2014

“I am drawing back the curtain on mathematics. I’m drawing back the curtain on chemistry. I’m drawing back the curtain on all of the sciences and all of the things that men are searching so diligently. You see, the devil tried to protect all of that mess from Me, but he can’t do that. And those who have stood up and declared that they were atheists are turning around, because they can’t deny it. They can’t walk away from it, and I will meet them in their classrooms. I will meet them in their cars. I will meet them in the laboratory. I will meet them place after place after place. And they will begin to realize I am the Creator. I am the God of all things.

“The great gathering together has begun and it has come almost into full swing. And within the next year and 100 days it will come into full fruition of the greatest incoming of souls off this planet that anyone has ever seen before. The greatest flow into the kingdom of God.

“Many of you, many of you are right in a place. Some of you realize it. Most of you don’t, because these kinds of changes normally are so gradual. But you’ve been increasing. And you’ve been increasing in the spirit more than you knew you were. You know more than you think you do. Amen. And you had an enemy arrayed against you, and in some cases you thought that it looked like and so you thought that you failed, but you didn’t. Because you don’t know, you didn’t understand at the time, and still don’t, what kind of enemy you had up against you. And you put him down and you are to be commended for that. But now you have been advancing. You have been growing. You’ve been in The WORD. You’ve been opening your ear to My sayings. You’ve been opening your heart for the plan of God—My plan for you. And as you have you have come up to a place where now you will realize growth more rapidly and you will see into it and understand it more than you have in times past.

“Many of you, yes, many are at a place where you are developing a more personal relationship with your personal angel than you ever have in times past. For your angel and all the angels that have been assigned to your personal angels’ command have been being added to you as you go because you are advancing, and you need more angels now than you did several years ago. And you’re coming to a place where it’s more personal than you understand or realize and some of you are ready for a breakthrough in that area. For that must take place in these last days,” saith the Lord. “But beware. I said beware. I said beware. Worshipping or seeking out angels is a dangerous practice.

“No, no. You just relax in Me. You just follow Me and there’s not anything out of line with you thanking Me for your angels and for what they are doing for you, for they are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation. Ask Me from time to time, ‘How, LORD, can I be more cooperative with the angel forces that You have sent me?’ Now, you can be more cooperative with your angels and not ever see one as long as you are on this planet. Being able to see them with your natural physical eyes is not an advantage. In some cases it’s a disadvantage, because of seeing and touching and so forth in the sense realm. Ah, but THE BLESSING is released to those who have believed and not seen. For don’t you remember I said that? I said ‘Blessed are those who believed and have not seen.’ So accept My word where your angels are concerned. Believe My Word where your angels are concerned. Inquire of Me and I will show you how to operate in command over their forces. Amen. And as we grow together in this,” saith The Lord, “you’ll become much more effective; not only in soul winning, not only in the ministry of healing, but in the ministry of miracles and in other ways that at this time you’re totally unaware of.

“We’re there. And together,” saith The LORD, “we’ll grow in leaps and bounds. We’re getting faster and faster and stronger and stronger. And where you and I barely walked together, we’ll jog together. And where we jogged together, we’ll begin to run together. And where we were running together, we’ll begin to fly together. Glory to God! For the days of My appearing are at hand, and the days of My coming to gather you to Me is at hand. For your Father is, oh, your Father”…I’m telling you, your Father is so, so”…He is so excited! He is so thrilled! It’s about to happen! It’s about to happen! It’s about to happen! He’s been holding it off and it’s about to happen! It’s about to happen! I said it’s about to happen! Oh glory! Glory be to God. Glory be to God.

“Your brother, Tracy, saw into it today. Do you remember he said in services gone by, ‘You’re beginning to act out, say and do things that are actually millennium things. You’re beginning to touch the next age. You’re beginning to touch the next realm.’ Amen. And the closer you get to it the more you’ll act like it. The closer you get to it the more real it becomes. Amen. We’re the millennium generation. Glory to God. We’re there. We’re there. We’re there. Hallelujah.”

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications. All rights reserved.

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