“Oh no! Don’t ever get the idea that it’s too late for Me. Has My arm been shortened?” saith The LORD. “Is there anything too hard for Me to accomplish? Some have said, some in places where they should know better have said, ‘Well, the United States has just gone too far. God’s judgment hand has come down on it and its days are over.’ No, no, no, no. No, no,” saith the LORD. “No, no, no! I have a covenant with this land. This country belongs to Me. How could I be done and through with what’s Mine? No, no! I have more people like you. I have more people in this nation. I have more people living by faith, walking by faith, who have turned from their wicked ways, who have to come to Me and have humbled themselves before Me. I have more than a few! I have more people today in this nation who have done these things than ever in the history of the nation! I’m not through with this country. I’m just getting started. Why would I want to bring to naught and bring to a place of destruction the only place that’s listening to Me? The only place that’s preaching My gospel, the only place where all of the Bibles and all of the material for the world are coming from? What kind of a business leader to you think I am,” saith The LORD? “No. You rejoice; for the healing of the land has begun and you will be glad. You will be glad. You will be glad.”